Safely Surrender Babies

Any parent or person with lawful custody can surrender a baby confidentially, and without fear of prosecution, within 72 hours of the child's birth.

A newborn infant can be surrendered at any San Francisco hospital emergency room or fire station within 72 hours of birth.

No one will take the parent's name and no questions will be asked. The parent and the baby will be given matching coded, confidential identity bracelets so that if the parent changes their mind, the parent can get the baby back within 14 days from the time of surrender.

24-Hour Crisis Line for Parents: Call the TALK Line at (415) 441-5437 for counseling and information on where to get medical treatment and supportive services in San Francisco.

Call the toll-free hotline at (877) 222-9723 or visit the Safely Surrendered Baby Program web page for more information, including the locations for safe surrender sites throughout the state of California.

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