
Fine and fee discounts:  The City's Financial Justice Project helps you reduce your fines or fees from parking, MUNI, towing, booted vehicles, library, child support, probation, conviction, and calls to incarcerated family members. Get fee discounts.

Avoid getting towed:  Get a text message from SFMTA if your vehicle is about to be towed. It may give you enough time to move your vehicle before the tow truck arrives. Sign up for the Text Before Tow Program.

The San Francisco Diaper Bank distributes free diapers to CalFresh, Medi-Cal, and CalWORKs households with children under age two.

Each child can get up to two cases of free diapers each month. Learn more.

  • San Francisco Recreation & Parks:  Get a 50%-100% discount through the Scholarship Program for Cultural Arts Programs, Community Service Programs such as Tiny Tots, Athletics Programs such as Girls Sports, Aquatics or Outdoor Recreation, and youth summer camps. 
  • San Francisco Museums for All: This program provides low-income residents with free or reduced admission to 25+ local museums and cultural centers.  The discount is available to up to four individuals per EBT card.
  • Touchstone Climbing: Offers discounts for day passes, classes, and youth camps in their gyms located throughout the City. Ask about the Access to Climbing (ATC) Day Pass for just $10.

NEW discounts for water and wastewater:  SFPUC increased the discount on water and sewer bills from 25 percent to 40 percent for participants in the Customer Assistance Program (CAP). Also, late payments will not result in shutoffs, liens, or late fees.  

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