The IHSS System

The IHSS system includes our community partners and related services.

DAS oversees the entire IHSS system for the City to: 

  • Make IHSS applications accessible to the public
  • Determine financial eligibility for IHSS and Medi-Cal.
  • Visit IHSS Recipients' homes to grant IHSS services based on the Recipient's needs and state regulations.
  • Adjust IHSS services to meet IHSS Recipient's changing needs.
  • Work with partners in the long-term care continuum to ensure IHSS Recipients maintain independence in the community.
  • Access the Independent Provider Assistance Center (IPAC) for help with becoming an IHSS Provider and processing timesheets.

The PA contracts with DAS to provide high-quality services for IHSS Recipients, including:

  • A registry of screened IHSS Providers for IHSS Recipients who need assistance finding and hiring a caregiver
  • Back-up Provider (BUPS) services when an IHSS Recipient's regular IHSS Provider is unavailable
  • Mentorship serving IHSS Recipients who are transitioning from the hospital to the community and need help with hiring and managing IHSS Providers.
  • Serving as “employer of record” for IHSS Providers that engage in collective bargaining with their union
  • Administering health and dental benefits for IHSS Providers
  • Receives and analyzes background checks as part of the IHSS Provider enrollment process, in coordination with DAS

Homebridge helps IHSS Recipients manage their role as employer for their IHSS Providers by:

  • Assisting with hiring, scheduling, payroll, training, and supervision of Providers
  • Ensuring that each of its IHSS Providers has a minimum of 75 hours of specialized training in paramedics and behavior or health issues
  • Helping IHSS Recipients and IHSS Providers overcome barriers to service delivery.
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