All Announcements

The City’s new Emergency Rental Assistance program supporting vulnerable San Francisco tenants launches on May 28.
Dearman’s years of experience in the field of long-term supportive services make her well prepared to lead DAS.
The Mission Kids child care center will serve 100 families and is funded by more than $6 million from City.
The initiatives offer up to $500 local tax credit and cash stimulus to households eligible for the San Francisco Working Families Credit.
The order aims to significantly reduce gatherings and additional activities in an effort to stabilize COVID-19 cases and preserve region-wide hospital capacity.
Due to COVID-19, City departments and community partners collaborated to safely distribute turkeys at public housing locations and non-profit organizations.
SF Botanical Garden, Conservatory of Flowers, and the Japanese Tea Garden offer free admission to those receiving government food assistance and Medi-Cal benefits.
The We Will Recover campaign promotes actions that San Franciscans can take to support the City’s recovery from COVID-19.
The first phase begins of the plan to eventually move 2,300 people out of hotels and into stable housing solutions.
The delay impacts those activities and businesses scheduled to reopen on November 3rd. Those already open may continue operating.

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