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Indoor personal services and indoor gyms with limited capacity, hotels, and other lower-risk indoor and outdoor activities can reopen.
Support focuses on raising awareness of health orders and guidelines as well as on programs for food, housing, finance, and mental health services. 
The program is part of wraparound services provided by the City and community partners, which are vital to tackling inequities within our vulnerable populations.
The City partners with non-profits on a bold initiative to ensure that hundreds of unhoused residents never return to homelessness.
The program offers free or reduced admission to local museums and cultural institutions for residents who receive public benefits.
The opening includes hair salons, barbers, museums, zoos, and outdoor bars. 
The City allows more business and social activities to resume with required safety protocols in place that are aligned with state guidance.
$1.65 million in funds will be used to purchase produce and shelf-stable foods for community groups that are distributing meals to their members.
Outdoor dining, indoor retail businesses with modifications, and additional outdoor activities can resume on June 15th.
Children eligible for free or reduced-price school meals can receive up to $365 in Pandemic EBT benefits.
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